Perception Eyewear

The Authorised Reseller for EnChroma Colour Blind Glasses for Perth, Western Australia

What is Colour-Blindness?

Colour-blindness is an hereditary condition that affects a sufferer’s colour perception. If you are colour blind, you see colours differently to those with normal colour perception, such as the inability to distinguish some colours apart or even see some colours at all.

1 in 12 men are colour-blind and 1 in 200 women. Sufferers are usually born with the condition and, up until now, it has been a condition that you just learn to live with. It can mean that one may not enjoy the beauty of a flame tree in full bloom, tell a purple object from a blue one, and even rule one out of certain occupations.

There are four main types of colour-blindess


This is the most common form of red-green colour-blindness and mostly affects the look of green, making it appear more grey.

Brown and green may be hard to differentiate. EnChroma glasses can help here.


Also a form of red-green colour-blindess, but where the red looks a lot greyer.

Blue and purple may appear the same. I have this form and the EnChroma glasses have worked amazingly for me.


A less common form of colour-blindness called blue-yellow colour-blindness and where either the blue or the yellow appear much greyer.

EnChroma glasses are not suitable.


No colour perception at all.

Also not able to be helped with EnChroma glasses.

EnChroma glasses are the only glasses that can be worn by sufferers of the most common form of colour-blindness and perceive and differentiate colours for the first time in their lives. See below video of real clients trying on their EnChroma glasses and seeing a wide new world that they have never seen before.

Now, take the test below to find out what form of colour-blindness you have and begin your journey to see a more colourful world for the first time ever!

EnChroma - Authorise Retailer
EnChroma - Authorise Retailer
EnChroma - Authorise Retailer

Take The Test

EnChroma Colour Blind Test

So, now you know what form of colour-blindness you have, let’s take the next step and get you into a pair of EnChroma glasses. We are able to walk you through the types of glasses that are suitable for you and how they work.

We even have some testers if you want to give it a go before you place your order. Or, if you prefer a surprise, or perhaps you’re buying for a loved one, simply send me an email and I can easily assist you with this.

About us

I am a Protan Colour-blind man who had always wondered what it would be like to see the colours that everyone else sees.

Sure, colour-blindness comes with some perks: you can see through camouflage, but traffic lights never looked green – they always looked off-white. Pink and Grey galahs only looked grey and when everyone was gawking at the flame tree in full bloom, I was wondering what they were looking at. It just looked brown.

Then, I saw a video on YouTube about a man trying on a pair of EnChroma Glasses for the first time and I knew I wanted to try them out. So I bit the bullet and ordered a pair. Now, only 1 in 5 has the dramatic reaction you see in these videos.

The rest of us experience a gradual improvement in colour perception over hours of wearing the glasses, but I did immediately see my red shirt, which looked very dull before, suddenly pop out in bright bright red.

Simon Bailey - Perception Eyewear

Simon Bailey

Now, I wear them outside all the time. I love my EnChroma Glasses and would recommend them to anyone who is suited to wear them. That’s why I wanted to represent EnChroma in Western Australia and be the local reseller.

When you get your glasses, please have a loved one film the experience and send me your testimony so we can all share in your amazing new experience of full colour.

EnChroma - Glasses Range

Glasses Range

This is a small selection of what we have to offer: indoor and outdoor glasses, with a greater range of outdoor glasses (because EnChroma works best with a tint).

EnChroma - Glasses Range


Why buy EnChroma Glasses from Perception Eyewear and not directly from EnChroma online?

When you buy from Perception Eyewear, you are buying from someone who actually wears EnChroma glasses and has experienced the joy it can bring.

I am a local business owner and am available for you in person if need be. The best part is you don’t pay any more than buying from online and you can even make an appointment to try on the glasses before you buy.

As a reseller, do you charge more for the glasses?

Not at all. When you buy from Perception Eyewear, you pay the same as advertised online at EnChroma and you are supporting a local WA business!

Are you the same company as EnChroma?

We are an Authorised EnChroma Reseller, but we are a separate locally owner family business.

How do I know the glasses will work for me as in the videos?

If you take the test and you are a protan or a deutan, the glasses will definitely work for you. For some it works dramatically as soon as you put them on (1 in 5), but others take a few hours of wearing to start seeing major changes.

This is because the glasses work to alter the way your brain perceives the colours and it can take a little while for the retraining to occur.

I am buying as a surprise gift for a loved one. Can you help?

Yes! In fact, almost half of EnChroma glasses purchases are made on behalf of a loved one, so we are very welcoming.

I’ll take you through how to navigate the test and organise the glasses so you can surprise them.

I have seen some of the YouTube videos of first time wearers and I am wondering if you accept new videos?

Absolutely! We love seeing the reaction from someone when they try on the EnChroma glasses on the first time and see colours they have never seen before! It is worth capturing.

In fact, we are so keen to receive your video to use on our website, we offer a discount on your purchase if you agree to share it with us.